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How to lose belly fat faster at home | 7 Best ways to lose lower belly fat without exercise - Achieve Health

 How can you lose belly fat fast ?

"Excessive fat which accumulate or collects around waist area is termed as belly fat". Now a day in teenagers belly fat is a fast growing problem due to which many diseases are occurring in teenagers. There are many reasons due to which belly is growing faster and faster, some of the reasons are :-
  1. Improper Diet or Poor Diet 
  2. Not doing regular workout or exercise 
  3. High Stress
  4. High alcohol consumption  
  5. Busy schedule or Unmanaged Lifestyle 
  6. Not taking Proper sleep
There are many steps which we can follow to lose our belly fat faster at home. Let's learn more ways to lose lower belly fat without exercise.

    What is obesity and how to control obesity ?

    What is obesity and how to control obesity ?

    Obesity is a disease which involves collection of excessive amount of fat all over the body which ultimately leads to many health diseases like :-
    1. Heart disease
    2. Diabetes
    3. High B.P (Blood Pressure)
    4. Cancer and many more
    There are many factors which leads to obesity or which is the main cause for obesity
    1. Due to your Genetics
    2. Your Body Metabolism ( metabolism is a process in which body converts body fats as body fuel )
    3. Improper Sleep and Diet
    4. Surrounding or Environment around you
    5. Overeating
    Obesity is a vey common problem among young as well as old age group. So it is very necessary to learn how to control obesity

    • Reduce consuming excessive fat 
    Our body requires fat to function properly, so it is very necessary to provide fat to our body properly but if we provide excessive amount of fat to body, then body starts converting that fat into belly fat . Try to avoid junk food and start eating fiber enrich food as well as fruits. Because fiber take time to digest properly, so it avoid fat accumulation in body.

    • Reduce Sugar and Salt intake at night
    Sugar and salt are main cause for obesity because it is scientific proven that salt intake at nigh results in low performance as well as cause water retention in body which results in bloating stomach and many processed sugar items contains bad fats which is not good for our body at any level.

    • Do regular exercise
    Exercise helps a lot in controlling obesity mainly aerobics. Try to do 15-20 min aerobics daily to minimize the effect of obesity on body.

    • Reduce stress level
    Stress plays a major role for obesity and many of us didn't think about how much dangerous stress is. Due to stress our mind secrets some hormone which creates craving, anxiety and depression which ultimately results in overeating and craving for more which leads to obesity.

    What is B.M.I means ?

    B.M.I stands for Body Mass Index. B.M.I is use to calculate fat of body by which you can know that your body is overweight, underweight or normal. If your calculate your B.M.I and if it falls between 18.5 to 24.9 then you have a normal or healthy weight but if your B.M.I falls above 25 then you are obese or overweight, similarly if your B.M.I falls under 18 then it consider as underweight.

    How to calculate Body Mass Index?

    Their is a derived formula for calculating B.M.I which is :-
    B.M.I = weight(kg) /{Height(m)}^2
    Means when you divide your weight (kg) by square of your height(m) then in result you get your Body Mass Index.

    What is ketogenic diet?

    keto diet is a type of diet which is use for fast fat reduction. This diet consist of high protein and fat but highly reduction in carbs. Keto diet is also known as low carbs diet.

    Will Ketosis burn belly fat?

    Yes, ketosis burn belly fat because when we decrease our carbs intake then our body will run out of fuel (means basic energy which is required for functioning of body), so our body starts converting body fat into energy which ultimately results in burning belly fat.

    Who should not try the keto diet?

    1. Diabetes Patients
    2. Having Heart Diseases
    3. Problem in digestion
    4. Problem in Kidney
    5. Any nervous system disorder

    Foods to avoid in keto diet

    1. Foods which contain high sugar
    2. food enrich in starch
    3. Processed items
    4. Alcohol
    5. unhealthy fat or bad fat

    What to eat on keto diet?

    1. Low carbs vegetables and fruits
    2. Sea foods
    3. Meat, Egg, yogurt and etc.
    4. Nuts and seeds
    5. Olive Oil

    7 Best ways to lose lower belly fat without exercise

    Best ways to lose lower belly fat without exercise
    Lose belly fat

    • Drink a glass of Lemon + water in morning
    This is scientific proven that lemon helps in increasing our body metabolism and reduce bloating stomach problem. When you wakeup in the morning start serving yourself with a glass of water + lemon. You can use warm water or add some honey also, its totally up to you. Benefit of drinking lemon + water in morning before brushing your teeth is that inside your mouth there are many enzymes are present which helps your body in proper digestion, so start taking glass of lemon water it will help a lot in increasing body metabolism and helps you in loosing belly fat faster at home.

    • Reduce salt intake
    Salt holds water inside body which makes your belly look more tight or big. Due to water retention many problem accrue like Bloating Stomach, stomach pain and many more. Night is a very crucial time because in night we eat our dinner and simply go to bed which is very bad for our belly. So if stop salt intake at night then it will help a lot in burning our belly fat.

    • Start taking green tea
     There is many research says green tea is good and many says bad, I personally recommend you to try it on yourself and see what change occur is it good or bad, if it is good then start practicing it daily and if result is bad then stop it immediately. Green tea helps your body in killing extra fat by increasing metabolism of your body. It also helps in increasing our body immunity and makes us fit, Healthy and Active.

    • Eat Slowly
    This is scientific proven that our brain take 15-20 minute to confirm that your stomach is full, so if you eat your food faster it will led you to overeating which ultimately results in Overweight. So start practicing 32 time chew method to slow down your eating and getting more nutrients from that food.

    • Avoid sugary or processed items
    Sugary and processed items are highly enrich in carbs and bad fat. So by take more sugary or processed items results in getting bigger belly. Best way to burn belly fat is say not to sugary and processed items.

    • Sleep Well
    Many of us didn't know that proper sleep helps you in many ways, even with proper sleep you can burn many calories. So deep sleep is must for a body to function well. If proper sleep is not providing to a body then any diet, routine or method will not work for belly fat reduction.

    • Drink plenty of water
    Drinking lots of water help your body in many ways:-\
    1. Hydrates your body
    2. Purifies your blood
    3. Increases metabolism
    4. Helps in detoxifying our body
    5. Helps in proper cleaning of digestive system
    How to lose belly fat faster at home | 7 Best ways to lose lower belly fat without exercise - Achieve Health How to lose belly fat faster at home | 7 Best ways to lose lower belly fat without exercise - Achieve Health Reviewed by Achive Health on February 26, 2021 Rating: 5

    1 comment:

    1. That accumulated belly fat may make a person feel conscious of his body figure and his regular dressing because with time he finds it difficult to get into his favorite pair of pants or jeans. Therefore, then comes the time for him to incorporate top-most exercises that burn off stomach fat at a faster rate in his daily regimen and lifestyle.


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